Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse


Therapy for Addiction, Alcoholism, and Recovery

Substance abuse and addictive behaviors have many causes and can show themselves differently. Alcohol, marijuana, other drugs, or even things like shopping can be compulsively used to gain momentary happiness, feelings of control, or most commonly an escape from whatever is stressing you or causing anguish. Engedi Therapy Services helps those with addictive behaviors with remote therapy in Virginia, Texas, and Florida. We have over 25 years of experience. Call us today at (757) 867-5811.

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The ASAP Program for Alcohol Abuse

The Alcohol Safety Action Projects (ASAP) 

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Other Drugs and Addictions

Alcohol is commonly abused, as are other drugs and behaviors that make someone feel more in control or farther away from bad feelings or stressors. This can be marijuana, risky behavior and thrill-seeking, shopping, sudden changes in romantic or professional goals, and more.

These all are due to the same core issue – trauma, pain, anxiety, grief, or whatever stressor is causing pain. The first step is identifying the cause, finding the strength to admit you want to change, and then building a custom plan that emphasizes your power to control your future and take charge of your emotions.

The Road to Recovery

Starting recovery and changing your habits and behaviors is difficult. But even admitting to yourself that change is needed is a huge first step and is something to celebrate. Our team has years of experience helping people remove themselves from destructive behaviors and addictions, and builds a customized therapy plan to both target the cause of the addiction, a stressor, and treat the symptoms of that stress, the addiction.

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Therapy can be incredibly beneficial to those going through the process of becoming sober. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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